Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Think On These Things

I have really been losing a lot lately! Before anyone gets to excited, it's not weight. What I am losing may be more important, my preconceived, unrealistic expectations of myself. Over the past year of losing 70lbs, I have focused a lot on the physical part of weight loss. All the food choices, changes, and preparations, strength training, cardio, how much of all of the above, scales, pounds, inches and the so on and so on. I have always believed that the mental component of weight loss is as important but my reality has not given it the importance it deserves. "Finally (sister), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is praiseworthy or excellent-think on these things." Philippians 4:8 I love the way this verse starts, FINALLY. After more than a year and 70lbs later, I FINALLY am focusing on the more important things and this may move the scale more than anything else.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Looking for focus for the New Year

As of today, one year since I began this weight loss journey, I have accomplished a 68lb weight loss! Yesterday, I did a little shopping and bought my first Ann Taylor Loft top! I was excited about this. I tend to list all the reasons why this is not a great success like, it is a sweater and has extra stretch, it was at an outlet store and probably wasn't accurately sized, etc. But I really was smiling on the inside and the outside. The reality of my efforts are becoming greater then my sometimes negative self perception. As the title states, the new year has me refocusing in this losing journey. I find, as I evaluate, I have gained much through losing. I have gained strength. Certainly physical strength through working out and losing weight but as significant is mental and emotional strength through discipline and focus. I have gained confidence. As I lose weight I feel better about how I look and feel and have a greater sense of "I CAN". I have gained perspective. This is actually still a work in progress as I still will have setbacks of "perfectionism" and "comparing my self with others" but overall I have come to a place of knowing this is a journey and not a race. As long as I keep my eye on the goal, the pace I take is insignificant. My focus for this year is joy in the journey. I haven't allowed myself to feel much joy for fear I will become too comfortable where I am. (Been there, done that) So with new strength, confidence and perspective I will go forth in JOY and that may be the greatest gain of all!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gaining a New Lifestyle

I have joined a new gym and started a new nutrition plan. And I am overwhelmed. I have been doing Weight Watchers and going to American Family Fitness since the first of the year and have lost nearly 50 lbs. I feel really good about what I have gained through the process. I have changed my thoughts about food for the most part. I still love cheese and Mexican food, but I prefer healthy choices most of the time and even crave them. I recently have recognized myself in a rut and not feeling motivated. I got out of the habit of the gym several weeks ago (not the first time in my life). I also haven't been following the WW plan very strictly, but still generally eating well and maintaining my weight loss. I have been here before and knew that if I wasn't purposeful at this point, I would fall back into old patterns and habits and not reach my goals. One of my goals is to lose weight and maintain the weight loss with a healthy lifestyle. I want to feel better and be able to do more. I want a balanced lifestyle.

Over the years, I have learned a lot about nutrition and know I need to eat more fresh, whole foods, grains, lean meats, less fats. I also know that exercise is a crucial part of weight loss success and good health. I also know I need more accountability. To gain success in my goals and desires, I have to lose my pride. I have tended to do this whole thing anonymously. So I needed to make some changes. I am now where I started this post, I have joined a new gym and started a new nutritional plan.

I started the first step of the new plan two days ago. A seven day detox. Nothing but vegetables and 3 servings of fruit a day and a lot of water. This is not fun, but I am doing it and hope to complete it. I went today for the second class and things will not be much easier after detox for about 5 weeks. I will have 3 servings of protein per day but only one serving of fruit and 2-3 cups of veggies per meal. I left today not feeling overly confident I can or want to do this. I know this is what I need. Someone told me this week to find balance in all of this. That may be the best thing I can gain throughout the losing process.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gaining Ground

Lord, you are my ever present help in times of trouble, distress, uncertainty, when I feel lost and out of control. Even when I am not looking to you for help, you are still ever present in my need. The moment I submit to my need, instead of fighting or denying it, you are ready with guidance, answers, peace and hope. This morning I was overwhelmed with my house and I called for help. Yes, it was a person I called, but I think you gave me the resolve to understand my limitation and reach out for help. Shortly after you sent an encouraging word and prayer through another friend who understands the cry of my heart. In all these things, I praise you for knowing my need and meeting me where I am. I come to you, Lord, for help in my ever present need. I am so weak, be my strength. I know the things I need to do, help me to do them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Feel So Lost

I had a friend call yesterday who was feeling really down and overwhelmed by life. One of the phrases she said was "I feel so lost". Well, her words were not unfamiliar with me. I have recently been feeling much the same way and have said those very words to myself. When we lose focus we get lost. Lately, I have teased my husband because he can easily go the wrong way or miss our turn because he is focused on something else. I even suggested today that I should start driving us and he would probably pay more attention to where we are going!

Psalm 125:1-2 says "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion. It cannot be shaken; it remains forever. Jerusalem - the mountains surround her. And the Lord surrounds His people, both now and forever." I cannot be lost if I am in Christ. These verses tell me that when I trust in Him I am like a mountain and cannot be shaken and that the Lord surrounds me now and forever! I cannot be lost when I trust in the Lord! I cannot be lost when I am focused on the One who surrounds me and is the source of my strength. Thank you, Lord, for Your Word and for the promise to surround me and keep me strong. Thank you for never moving away from me and reminding me where I can always find you. Help me to see you everyday. Amen.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gaining A New Beginning

I was sorting through books last week and came across a book entitled "Gaining Through Losing". The book didn't draw me in but the title has stuck in my mind ever since. I have been on a weight loss program since the first of the year so losing has definitely part of my life and unfortunately the gaining part has too on occasion over the past 8 months. It feels very defeating to have to re-lose what I've gained. Throughout this journey of weight loss my goals have been to learn and adopt a healthier lifestyle. My main focus has been on changing and incorporating better food choices. One of the main things I have focused on is "losing" my constant desire for unhealthy foods and "gaining" a desire for healthier foods. I don't want to just substitute low calorie copy cats of previous favorites like 100 calorie packs of Fudge Strip Cookies or 100 calorie cupcakes. I want to learn to like good, healthy foods and to be disciplined and satisfied with occasional "treats". Through this process I am learning to gain control and health and lose bad food habits.

This blog will chronicle my process of gaining through losing in every aspect of my life. As I have pondered this phrase this week, the Lord has been dealing in my heart about some other areas I need to do some losing in so that I can gain what He has for me.